Erotic stories of Steve Sucu
Profile page of Steve Sucu. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
Steve Sucu wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 4.3K times
The BankerNeeding funds and no where to turn I saw an ad for "The Banker" said " for the guy left with nowhere to turn see the banker. So here I am at a building with the Title BANKER on the building. I was met by a security man who told me to push 6 on the elevator. Arriving on 6 the door opens to an office with the word BANKER on the door. I enter to find a man sitting at a desk. A very fine looking man, 20-30's dark hair, chiseled face and hairy poking out of his shirt. I told him my name and what I ne... reading time 3 mingenreGaywritten on